Yoshiki to suddenly participate in the "hide tribute live" event on May 2nd
He will grace the show as the first guest appearance

It was suddenly announced that Yoshiki will participate in the "hide Memorial Day 2022 Sing Along Live 'Hi-Ho!'" held at the Pacifico Yokohama National Grand Hall on Monday, May 2nd. His appearance will be the first guest performance and he may leave the country soon after exiting the stage.

This morning, Yoshiki posted on social media "my schedule has changed two, three, four, five times now, and maybe tomorrow, May 2nd, I will be in Japan. I think I'll stay in Japan a few more days." The decision to extend his stay in Japan led to the sudden announcement of his appearance at the event.


This will be the first time in 14 years that Yoshiki will perform at the hide Memorial Live event. He last appeared at the hide Memorial Summit held at the Ajinomoto Stadium in May 2008.

The bond between Yoshiki and hide remains strong; the two were friends even before hide became a member of X JAPAN. In the "hide Memorial" broadcast live from LA on his "Yoshiki Channel" account in 2020, he admitted that it was hide who inspired him to become involved in charity work, and at one point tearfully expressed his feelings for hide.

What kind of performance will Yoshiki show us at the Memorial Live event held by hide, who has been an irreplaceable presence in his life?

For more information, please visit:https://www.hide-city.com/mcontents/special/mday2022/